Monday 13 May 2013


I went for a run this morning and while I was puffing and panting around the lake I thought it's about time I did an update on my 'PURSUE THE FITNESS THINGS' post and let you in on a little confession I have to make ...
I haven't done a mile every day since setting my goal. Rubbish I know but I do have a viable excuse, honestly!

I have chronic Erythema Nodosum. To put it simply, it's an inflammation in the far down bottom layer of my skin and it sucks. It started off with 2 lumps near my ankle and has spread and developed to a current lump on my shin and one next to my knee. It is so irritating (to put it politely) and can become quite swollen and rather painful if I do too much. Erythema Nodosum can be bought on by a number of things but in over 50% of cases a cause is unknown. Typically, I fall into that 50% which means that there is no way to know how to treat it. It has been almost 7 months since I first visited my GP and after numerous trips to the doctors and the hospital for every test under the sun, I now have regular appointments with a dermotologist at the hospital and finally know what it is. I have also, in that time, come to terms with the fact that I just have to suck it up and know my physical limitations while I have this. By that I mean, if my leg is swollen or I feel the usual annoying niggling pain then I don't go for a walk or jog. If I think my leg is ok then I do. As with everything like this, there are good days and bad days but it is far better than it was at the beginning and I'm so thankful it isn't anything more serious.

So, back to my mile a day as often as possible plan. It's been 43 days and I have logged 37.72 miles. Which is not that far off reeeeeaallyyyyy so I'm not going to beat myself up too much.
I captured a few photos during some of my runs / walks. It's quite interesting to look back over them and see how my regular routes have changed as the weather has. The new addition of blossom that I was greeted by at the park today makes me a very happy jogger indeed.

On a side note I saw this lovely quote today. There's usually a Monday blues vibe stalking Instagram and Facebook at the start of the week so the positivity of this was very welcomed this morning.

Jade x

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