Tuesday 25 June 2013


I've not been around the ol' blogosphere much recently (for that I apologise) but, I have been enjoying life.
I'm not working at the moment and uni has finished for this year, leaving me with more time to spend doing some lovely and fun things.

Here's a few snaps of things that I've enjoyed recently.
We took a seaside trip with my mum to our chalet in Mablethorpe. We ate rock, rode more than one miniature train, played for hours on the beach and even saw some Seals. Isobel had the time of her life!
My new found spare time has also been spent taking weekly trips to the library, enjoying a spot of picnic-ing in the park, eating breakfast and partaking in toddler baking sessions with friends. Lucky me!
I have been feeling quite down recently. I think it's a mix of health issues and frustrations and the whole not working thing. I'm very grateful that I'm in a position where a period of time off work isn't as stressful as it could be for some but I can't lie and say it's a breeze.  
I miss working. I obviously miss the financial perks of working. I miss having a 'purpose'. 
I still volunteer at a school once a week and have plenty to do at home but it's not quite going to work and getting paid each week is it?!
Writing this post has been somewhat therapeutic for me. I've reminded myself of the positive side of this situation and to visually see the perks of being off work is good. I know that being off work isn't a permanent thing so I just need to make the most of the time that I do have off and appreciate it. 
As Ronan Keating once sang "Life is a rollercoaster, just gotta ride it" (you totally sang it didn't you?) which is a good (and annoyingly catchy) bit of advice me thinks. 

We are hopefully taking a trip to the park today but I'm not sure that Mother Nature is wanting us to as the sky is currently becoming filled with some rather unhappy and rainy looking clouds. If we don't make it out then I think a day of crafting, Despicable Me (Izzie's new favourtite film) and cuddles on the sofa may very well be on the cards.

I hope you have a lovely day whatever you may have planned.
Jade x

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